Thursday, November 19, 2015

Motivation is key when trying to maintain a training program. There are 2 types of motivation I want you to think about...

Intrinsic Motivation: "Occurs when we act without any obvious external rewards. We simply enjoy an activity or see it as an opportunity to explore, learn, and actualize our potentials."
Extrinsic Motivation: "Motivation can come from the outside, such as the motivation to win medals, receive financial rewards, and attract attention from the media. This is known as external, or extrinsic, motivation because it involves participation in sport for some kind of reward that is external to the process of participation."

Are you intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated? Maybe you are both! Either way, it is important to find out what motivates you. Maybe it is your teammates, friends or goals. For me personally, I know that I work harder when I have people pushing me to keep going. I am also motivated by reaching my goals and striving for specific outcomes. I recommend sitting down and writing 2 short terms goals and 2 long term goals that you want to achieve. This will give you something to strive for when training and staying fit in the off-season!

Watch this motivational clip that will surely get you pumped up to go out there and train...

Coach Murphy

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